Tel: 303-429-2227


3850 Elk Drive Westminster CO 80030 us


   Elks Care, Elks Share. Are YOU an Elk?

  We are a place where neighbors come together,       

   families share meals, and children grow up.

  We invest in our community through programs that   

  help children grow up healthy and drug-free, by   

  undertaking projects that address unmet needs, and   

  by honoring the service and sacrifice of our veterans.

Lodge Officers 2024-2025

Exalted Ruler................................  Adam Ingalls (Cecilia)
Est. Leading Knight....................... Trudy Overhultz
Est. Loyal Knight............................ PER Terry Ingalls 
Est. Lecturing Knight..................... PER Nancy Hannah
Secretary........................................ PER Gary Coven (Connie)
Treasurer....................................... Ronda Ward (Dan)
Esquire........................................... Chris Setelin ( Sandra)
Tiler................................................ Donna Scharfenberg
Chaplain........................................ Cary Lopez (Vince)
Inner Guard.................................. Jazmine Setelin
Organist.....................................PSP/PDDGER Tom Root (Rose)
Vocalist .....................................................  
1 Yr. Trustee.................................... Ken Ciancio (Bobby)
2 Yr. Trustee.................................... Dennis Jean (Sharon)
3 Yr. Trustee ................................... Dennis McKelvey (Sheri) 
4 Yr. Trustee.................................... Lloyd Decker (Myra)  
5 Yr. Trustee ............... PER/PCJGF Greg Beacom (Debbie)

  The Westminster Lodge got its start over 50 years ago. It all started on February 14, 1961, with an organizational meeting held

  at the Shangra-La, presided over by John Prunk and State Association Officers. On April 30, 1961, Westminster Lodge received

  its charter at Lakewood Lodge #1777. John Prunk was elected the First Exalted Ruler and we started our journey into Elkdom

  with 383 charter members.

  The Grand Lodge Charter for B.P.O. Elks Westminster Lodge #2227 was signed and dated on May 22, 1961. On June 27, 1965,

  the Cornerstone of Westminster's new Lodge home was laid by Don Carpenter, and on August 3, 1965, the first official Lodge

  meeting was held. Our new Lodge home was formally dedicated on October 3.

  The Westminster Lodge is blessed with a very active House Committee and as a result of their hard work and dedication, we can

  boast a very high level of participation from our members. Our Lodge is flourishing with the initiation of many new members,

  along with the reinstatement of our older members. We are proud of the fact that Westminster Lodge continues to grow and

  thrive in the 21st century and look forward to many more years of making new and lasting friendships. So come on down and

  visit us while taking part in the fun. We look forward to seeing you soon!!!